Recycled Water
Every drop of water that is reused conserves our limited supply of precious drinking water.

BWP is Expanding Burbank's Recycled Water System
BWP is rapidly expanding the recycled water system throughout Burbank. Burbank has a policy to require the use of recycled water for targeted large irrigated landscaped areas and other industrial uses. This will rapidly increase the use of recycled water helping make water availability in Burbank more sustainable.

Recycled Water Conversion Assistance Program (RWCAP)
RWCAP offers a rebate to assist Burbank customers converting to Recycled Water. The rebate reimburses the cost of the LA County Department of Public Health permit and inspection fee. Funds are limited and are on a first-come, first-served basis.
Download the RWCAP Application >

Recycled Water Quality Reports
The Burbank Water Reclamation Plant produces tertiary-treated recycled water which is distributed by BWP to our customers. A series of treatment and purifying steps ensures that the end product meets or exceeds all state and federal guidelines.
See Current Recycled Water Quality Reports >

Recycled Water for Plants
Recycled water has a higher concentration of dissolved salts than drinking water. Water with high levels of salts can have adverse effects on plants, however, most recycled water produced does not have harmful levels of salts for most plants.
Read Recycled Water for Plants FAQs >

Burbank 2017 Wastewater Change Petition
The City of Burbank proposes to gradually decrease the volume of treated wastewater discharged from the BWRP to the Channel in order to increase the delivery of recycled water to various users within the BWP service area and adjacent jurisdictions.