Water-Saving Tips

Learn how to save water and keep your home looking great with these water-saving tips.

Follow these Tips to Save Water

Water conservation is essential for both our environment and our wallets. By making simple changes to your indoor and outdoor routines, you can significantly reduce your water consumption without compromising on comfort or aesthetics.

Replace your Turf

Replacing turf with native California species, such as low-water-use grass or ground covers, saves about 34 gallons/year/square foot.

Install High-efficiency Sprinkler Nozzles

Multi-trajectory, rotating streams apply water more slowly and uniformly to your landscape, saving about 850 gallons/year.

Upgrade to a Smart Weather Based Irrigation Controller

These devices adjust for weather changes and irrigate based on the needs of your landscape, saving about 13,000 gallons/year.

Install a Soil Moisture Sensor System

A soil moisture sensor measures soil moisture content in the active root zone on your property and adjusts watering your landscape accordingly, saving about 13,000 gallons/year.

Add Rain Barrels to Collect Rainwater

Adding rain barrels can save about 50 gallons of water per large rainstorm.

Check Your Sprinkler System

Check your sprinkler system for leaks, overspray, and broken sprinkler heads. Adjust your sprinkler nozzles to minimize flow and eliminate overspray on the sidewalk. Schedule a minimum of one irrigation day during the morning hours to monitor leaks and overspray. This could potentially save around 500 gallons per month.

Use the Cycle and Soak Method of Watering

Applying multiple start times per irrigation with a minimum of 30 minutes duration in between helps prevent runoff and promotes healthy plant life.

Water Only Before 9 a.m. and After 6 p.m.

Following these set timeframes can save around 5 gallons of water per day due to wind and evaporation.

Set Lawnmower Blades to 3 in.

This encourages deeper roots and saves about 16-50 gallons per day.

Spread a Layer of Organic Mulch Around Plants

Spread a layer of organic mulch around plants: Two inches of mulch will help hold the moisture in the ground and cool the root systems. Savings around 20-30 gallons of water per 1000 sq. ft. each time you water. 

Tailor Your Watering

Different plants have varying water requirements. If your landscape includes grass, plants, and trees, tailor your watering patterns to the specific needs of each species.

Keep Your Pool Covered

Preventing water evaporation can save 10,000 to 20,000 gallons of water per year.

Install High-Efficiency Toilets

Upgrading your toilets can save up to 12,000 gallons per year.

Install High-Efficiency Clothes Washer

Upgrading your clothes washer can save up to 11,000 gallons per year.

Run Your Clothes Washer and Dishwasher Only When They Are Full

Saves up to 35 gallons per week.

Fix household leaks promptly

Saves up to 25 gallons per day. Learn more about leak detection tips. 

Don’t leave water running

Turning off your water when brushing teeth and shaving can save up to 2 gallons/minute.

Shorten Your Showers

Taking a 5-minute shower can save up to 8 gallons each time. 

Install faucet aerators

Faucet aerators reduce the volume of water flowing from the faucet while maintaining water pressure, saving 1.5 gallons/minute.

Water-Saving Programs

BWP offers various programs to help you conserve water and reduce your water bill. We've got you covered, from rebates on water-saving devices to free mulch for your garden.

Scroll your mouse over the picture to learn more.

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Phone: (818) 238-3700   |   Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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