New Burbank-Los Angeles Potable Water Project
The Burbank-Los Angeles Potable Water Project is a water supply pipeline project that will connect the City of Burbank and Los Angeles Department of Water and Power's (LADWP) existing water supply systems, contributing to safe and sustained water supply for the residents of both cities.
Burbank-Los Angeles Potable Water Project
Construction will start in October 2022, and will be completed in block-by-block segments over the course of four months to minimize impacts to the community.
The project location is detailed in the map image below. Construction will begin at Burbank Blvd. and Hollywood Way in Burbank, and progress west to Clybourn Ave (orange). The project’s second phase will be completed in 2024 and includes Clybourn Ave. to Biloxi Ave. in Los Angeles (purple).

Frequently Asked Questions
The Burbank-Los Angeles Potable Water Project, under oversight of the EPA, is a water pipeline project that will contribute to safe and sustained water supply for the residents of Burbank and Los Angeles, connecting existing City of Burbank and City of Los Angeles water systems.
The project will be owned, operated, and maintained by the City of Burbank and will utilize local groundwater as a sustainable drinking water source to reduce dependency on imported water. Groundwater will come from wells in North Hollywood and it will be conveyed to Burbank via separate pipeline where it will be treated at Burbank Operable Unit and the treated water mixed with MWD water will be conveyed back to Los Angeles via this intertie pipeline.
The project will be owned, operated, and maintained by the City of Burbank and will utilize local groundwater as a sustainable drinking water source to reduce dependency on imported water. Groundwater will come from wells in North Hollywood and it will be conveyed to Burbank via separate pipeline where it will be treated at Burbank Operable Unit and the treated water mixed with MWD water will be conveyed back to Los Angeles via this intertie pipeline.