Man knocking on door

Protect Yourself Against Scams

Scammers are working hard to impersonate BWP. Many of these individuals are very good at deception and know lots of tricks to make you think they are legitimate. You can avoid these scams by knowing how they operate and taking steps to protect yourself.


Scammers are posing as BWP and sending emails that demand immediate payment from Burbank residents and businesses. If you receive an email that asks for immediate electronic payment, do not make a payment. If you have any concerns about your BWP account, contact BWP Customer Service at (818) 238-3700.

Calls threatening to disconnect your water or power

BWP will never call and demand immediate payment over the phone or threaten to disconnect your water or power. This is a scam! Scammers sometimes use "spoofing technology" that makes your caller ID display BWP's name and published phone number. If someone claiming to be BWP calls you and asks you to make an immediate payment or your services will be disconnected, HANG UP.

Water testing

There have been reports of companies visiting Burbank homes, claiming to work with BWP, and asking to enter the homes to perform water testing. These companies are not affiliated with BWP and are not performing any services on behalf of BWP. Remember - BWP employees will always have a city badge ID, uniform, and city vehicle. These companies claim that after the water leaves the treatment plant, it travels through miles of pipes and by the time it makes it to your home, it no longer meets minimum government guidelines. This is false.


The letter, written on forged or stolen Burbank Water and Power letterhead, refers to the Burbank Forestry Services and instructs residents to remove dead palm fronds from their trees or they will be subjected to a fine. Burbank Water and Power does not cite customers for the removal of vegetation and would not refer to Burbank Forestry Services, which is a nonexistent agency in Burbank. Any letter from Burbank Water and Power would include a contact person with an authorized signature. This is missing from the fraudulent letter. If you receive this letter, or if someone claiming to be BWP shows up to your home in response to this letter, please report to the Burbank Police Department at 818-238-3000. For Emergencies only, dial 9-1-1Click here to see an example of the fraudulent letter.

Tree trimmers

Another scam is tree trimmers claiming to be associated with BWP and asking for money to trim trees. BWP does not ask for money to trim trees. BWP employees and contractors are happy to show you their BWP ID badge to verify their identity. If you feel threatened in any way by someone at your property claiming to represent BWP, dial 818-238-3000 for police assistance.

Unsolicited offers

BWP has many programs and services available to help you save energy and water. You must opt in to participate in these services. Our partners will never ask you to pay for the services they offer. If someone claiming to represent BWP by offering discounts on services like tree trimming, air conditioner tune-ups, or solar installation, DON'T BUY IT.

Learn more about scams

Watch videos to learn more about popular scams in Burbank.

Burbank Police PSA

See three of the most common phone scams in Burbank.

Listen to a scam

Professional scammers sound legitimate. Hear it for yourself!

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164 W. Magnolia Blvd. Burbank, CA 91502-1720
Phone: (818) 238-3700   |   Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

© 2019 Burbank Water and Power. All Rights Reserved.